Prepare to experience something incredible.
State-of-the-art, wireless, multi-player, free-roam VR gaming and experiences
Two or three players simultaneously in one virtual environment
Full immersion with wireless headsets and body tracking
Move freely around our 50sq. metre play area and the virtual world
Astounding experiences which get your heart pumping and guarantee huge smiles!
You’ll be wearing a VR headset with headphones, which will put you into a completely new environment. Plus, in our Premium Experiences, you’ll have body-motion trackers on your hands and feet – along with the one in your headset – which allow you to see and control your character's body, as well as seeing your teammates, in the virtual world.
And, unlike most other VR setups, you’re “untethered” — completely wireless. You can roam freely in virtual world. You are in the game!
Our Premium Titles take between 35 to 45 minutes to complete - most people are spent afterwards! However, your experience begins the moment you enter The Mind Factory. With orientation, gearing up, playing, taking a photo, and taking off the gear, you can plan to be here for up to an hour. The grins and discussions will go on a lot longer!
Our Escape Room titles each have their own age restrictions - please ensure the content is suitable before making a booking. Gameplay lasts around 50 minutes (depending on your rate of progress) and you will be prompted with in-game clues if you need help. You should plan to be on site for about an hour.
Strictly no alcohol before the game. In case of alcohol or drug intoxication, your game will be cancelled.
Comfortable clothing and clean footwear should be worn. No heels! If the weather is poor please bring dry indoor footwear to wear whilst at The Mind Factory.
We will need to clip a small battery-pack to your waist. Jeans or clothing with a belt or back pocket are ideal for this. Leggings are problematic!